Saturday, July 20, 2013

I'M BACK!!!!

I'm back!!!

After spending the last few months working and soul-searching for my next big move... I've been brought back to blogging!!! I will soon start the rebranding process of the blog and will bid adieu to the name Chivalrous Sophistication! It's a sad moment but an amazing turning stone. I'm extremely excited about what's to come! Expect more personal updates and blog posts on what's going on in my personal and work life, style posts and other tidbits.

Stay Classy,

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Tumblr Tuesday

One of my favorite recent reblogs on twitter is this picture. I think this guy has a great sense of style and definitely knows how to wear the clothing and not let the clothes wear him. This ensemble is extremely well put together andI could definitely see myself wearing this.... 


Monday, September 17, 2012


I'm so sorry for being MIA! I've been swamped with business, hockey, school and working! It's been an absolutely ridiculous week. But as you can see with today's Motivational Monday post, I'M BACKKKK!!!! I'm soo excited to be blogging again. I have soo much stuff saved on my computer to post.

Motivational Monday: More than what meets the eye...

You're more than what meets the eye!!!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Wardrobe Wednesday: Bieber Fever

So I've caught Bieber Fever... and I've got it bad. I'm obsessed with his music but even more so, his style. He's undeniably an "Urban Gentleman" when it comes to mixing prep and formal attire with streetwear. Below are some of what I think are his greatest looks. 

Here, I love the pairing of the Louboutin Leopard sneakers with the bright red pants and a black blazer and t-shirt. The gold chains pop in contrast to the black and go great with the leopard shoes.

A, I wouldn't have worn such a skinny tie. But he still looks great.

Futuristic Performance Attire. B+

Matching Selena with the pink jacket. A-

Loving the dayglow shoes with black shirt and gray jeans.

A+. The jacket really dresses up the outfit but he still looks like he's going out for fun.

I love the blazer over a t-shirt.

All black with a POC (Pop Of Color)

Monday, September 3, 2012

Motivational Monday: Passionway or The Highway

I am a strong believer in loving what you do. If you don't love it, then there's no passion and no reason to continue on in that path.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Mapping Out The Future

So for the last week, I've been off from work but even busier then ever before. I've had meetings regarding my new company and the logo and website for it. I can't say much yet but it's going to be AMAZING! I can't release the name because of legal stuff and reserving the name but I can tell you the initials for it... CBC! The official launch of CBC will be January 2013! Unfortunately, I'll only be serving the New York Tri-State Area but I couldn't be any more excited than I am right now. I'm currently doing the necessary shopping for the startup and also working out a lot of important details. This company is just one stop on the journey leading to my future and success but it's pretty important. Starting out early with youth on my side is a great way to separate me from others in the game (there isn't too much competition). I can't wait to share details with you as the company progresses and time gets closer to the launch. 
