Thursday, August 16, 2012

Q&A: Get To Know Me!

I found this "tag" post on and wanted to do it for my readers.

1. My funniest nickname is:
naked mole rat (like Rufus from Kim Possible)

2. My preferred fashion style on the weekend is:
button-down with jeans OR a blazer, t-shirt and jeans

3. My go-to pick me up is:
Ben & Jerry's Late Night Snack paired with Eat Pray Love

4. I feel silliest when:
I'm dancing or hanging out with my friends and their parents.

5. I feel most accomplished when:
after I work out or buy something I've wanted for a while.

6. My favorite feel-good movie is:
Mean Girls / 21 Jump Street / Eat Pr ay Love ...I really can't pick!

7. If I could go back in time and be any age again, I would be:
17, same age but back to the beginning of senior year

My senior year was amazing! I had so much fun and I was so outgoing and finally found myself. 

8: If I could borrow any celebrity's wardrobe, I would choose:
It would be a combination of Scott Disick, David Beckham, Usher, Justin Bieber and the Jonas Brothers.

9. My easiest way to stay organized is by:
I like to use bins, baskets and hooks to make sure that everything has a place and is in it. I also like to organize things by color. 

10. The bravest thing I've ever done is:

11: One day I'd really like to:
have a fashion empire that I can call my own, get married and have 2 amazing children

12: One thing I do every single day is:
jam out to music for at least 15 minutes 

13: My most trusty friendship advice is:
to always be honest with your friends. If they're a true friend, they won't judge you.

14: My mantra of the day is:
YOLO. You only live once so make the most out of each and every moment.

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